SHAKE Puppies by Carli Davidson (HarperCollins)
In case you missed all of the press, here’s a summary of the top hits…
In case you missed all of the press, here’s a summary of the top hits…
Queens, A Culinary Passport by Andrea Lynn is in stores today!
Dawn Sokol’s A World of Artist Journal Pages will be released April 2015 by Abrams’ STC Craft – Melanie Falick Books.
Congratulations to the supremely talented Ashley Evanson on her four-book deal with Penguin Random House’s Price Stern Sloan!
Robb Pearlman’s Fun with Kirk and Spock was recently reviewed by Ron Charles at The Washington Post.
If you’ll be attending Comic-Con, stop by Simon & Schuster’s booth (#1128) on Sunday at 2pm to get your copy of Fun with Kirk and Spock signed by Robb Pearlman!
Christina Lane’s DESSERT FOR TWO has been sold to Countryman Press.
Several new deals to announce…
Carli Davidson’s SHAKE was released on Tuesday, October 22, 2013.