Mansion Street Literary Management Turns Ten!
In 2007 I was the Director of Licensing and Brand Management for United Media, better known as United Feature Syndicate, where I was tasked with managing the Publishing, Interactive, Music, Home Video, Film, Mobile, and Casino Gaming business for the various brands we represented. It was exciting to work on world-renowned properties like Peanuts, History Channel, Food Network, Dilbert, and so many other wonderful programs. Several of the properties I brought to United Media became merchandising sensations, including Fancy Nancy and The Elf on the Shelf, but I wanted to know if I had the vision and ability to bring programs with significantly smaller platforms to the market—and see whether consumers would love them as much as I did. Thus, with the permission of my CEO and SVP, I founded Mansion Street Literary Management on October 10, 2007. I continued my work at United Media until the company was sold in 2010, ending my fifteen-year run with that incredible team. From then on, it was Mansion Street Literary Management 24/7.
A few years later, Michelle Witte came on board, first as a client and then later as an agent. Her background in the publishing industry—she was formerly an editor at Gibbs Smith Publisher—helped her bring in a new client base and allowed MSLM to begin work in the Middle Grade and Young Adult book market.
To date, MSLM has signed deals for more than one hundred titles. We’re still a young agency, but we’ve been growing at a steady pace that accommodates both our interests and our clients. Looking ahead, 2018 and 2019 are going to see some real fireworks for MSLM and our authors as we expand the business, add more staff, and increase our production.
Thank you to all of the clients, editors, publishers, designers, marketers, sales people, retailers, and customers who help our dreams come true on a daily basis. You’re a ten to us.
All the best,
Jean Sagendorph